- Version
- Download 1
- File Size 1.20 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 8, 2021
- Last Updated December 8, 2021
1. download this plugin
2. go to dashboard>plugins>install new>upload plugin and upload and activate the plugin
3. go to dashboard>pages>add new and
3.a add a page with whatever title you wish
3.b in content add a shortcode block with [add-moderator] as the shortcode
3.c make the password protected and choose a password
4. publish - ignore the 'Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.' error
5. view the page
To add a user to a forum, you will need
a. the forum id which is gained by going to dashboard>forums>all forums and hover over the 'edit forum', in then bottom left hand corner of the screen you will see your site url followed by /wp-admin/post.php?post=1234&action=edit the 1234 is the number of the forum
b. the user id which is gained by going to dashboard>users>all users and hover over the 'edit user', in then bottom left hand corner of the screen you will see your site url followed by /wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=3456.....' - 3456 is the user_id